Extra Content

This is a page for all of the content not shown on any of the other pages. The other pages were copied from archive.org, and some of the content on the old FDP was not listed on the new one.

Intro "Megaman characters are copyright of Capcom. However, the author characters are not and they and the strips are copyright of US, so no plagiarism."
Meet the Characters This is where you can learn about the twisted characters that make up our comics.
The Space Pirate Comics
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Ahh, these are our original sprite comics. We thought we should upload these just for the sake of memory, not necessarily because they were good. These are pretty much our n00b comics. Our "custom author sprites" were really just recolors, the backgrounds are white, and it is quite obvious Zymeth has come a long way in terms of spelling and grammar. Enjoy the humor, but try not to let the format make you puke.
Do Space Pirates Celebrate Hanukkah? The Space Pirates are one of those "more-than-one-way-in" groups, but Immaturo doesn't seem to be catching on very well.

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