Q: Why do you guys think you have to credit Capcom and other companies at the bottom of your comics? If you'd look at other comics, they don't credit Capcom or whatever company that made the game a character came from, and their not frequently sued. If you don't speciffically say you own the characters, no one will complain, sue, or do anything about it.

A: Well, one reason we do this is because it is polite. Since most people reading these comics are more than likely familiar with video game sprites, we'll use an example that most should be familiar with: If you made a really good custom sprite and someone used it for their own purposes, wouldn't you feel proud if they gave you credit for making it at the end of whatever media the produced? It's not necessary, but it is polite, and since this is a Megaman fansite, it'd be pretty messed up if we just ignored the creators.

Q: Why don't you guys have an FAQ?

A: Well, we do now, so nyah.

Q: Can we join you?

A: I put this one up here because I've actually gotten this more often than you'd expect. While we do appreciate the fact that we have fans who would love nothing more than to take part in helping us put out comics, we're fairly close-knit when it comes to inviting others to work as staff members, and to tell you plainly, it's not that easy coming up with comics, and generally by the time the comic is done, the joke is no longer funny to you as an author because you've seen it every time you had to open the file and work on it. However, because so many people have been giving us work as a part of their net-resume, I've decided that I should open up a fan-section for the people who send us material. It's not official FDP crew status, but you got your name up on the site, right?

Q: You're not funny.

A: Uhh... well... you're not funny... times... infinite... yeah...

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